Edson Pereira
QRPp FT8 Contest on QO-100 NB Transponder
2020-03 -- Stations competed to be received with SNR levels below -18 dB at my receiving station. Transmit power levels about 10 mW in 2.4 GHz into a 60 cm dish on the uplink could be received with SNR levels in the order of -16 dB. Thank you to all participating stations.
Receiving signals from DSLWP lunar mission
2018-05 -- DSLWP is a lunar mission for amateur radio and education. DSLWP-A1 transmitted signals in GMSK and JT4G. I was able to monitor the GMSK signals in 436 MHz up to 67,500 km during the satellite's journey to the moon as well as the JT4G signals after lunar orbit insertion.
Port of G3RUH's Plan13 Keplerian Propagator
2014-06 -- A port of James Miller's Plan13 keplerian propagator to C and C++. This project started in 1996 when I was still a senior in college. After all these years, I still the code for tracking satellites. My port of James' code has, to my knowledge, been used in LVB Tracker, QRPtracker and Lilacsat Project.
2008-01 -- A Software Defined Radio Graphical User Interface for controlling the DttSP sdr-core. It was implemented to be used with simple SDR receivers like the SoftRock and SDRZero. I was developed with the Qt Toolkit under Ubuntu Linux.
20m Online SDR in Antarctica
2008-01 -- An online SDR receiver in the Brazilian scientific research base in the King George Island in Antarctica (Locator GC07tw). The system was composed of a quadrature inverted V dipole antena, a SDRZero receiver and a Linux PC with custom made SDR software.
40m Online SDR in Pardinho
2006-10 -- An online SDR receiver at PY2GN QTH in Pardinho, SP, Brazil (Locator GG56tv). The system was composed of a dipole antena, a SDRZero receiver and a Linux PC with custom made SDR software.
2006-06 -- A Software Defined Radio receiver for the 40m amateur radio band. The receiver uses a quadrature sampling detector (QSD), band-pass filter for 40m, and a low noise local oscillator.
2003-06 -- A satellite tracker for the Sharp Zaurus SL-5x00 Linux PDAs. PetitTrack is based on the keplerian propagator algorithm used in KD2BD's Predict software. It has a map tab, a sky tab, configurable uplink and downlink radio frequencies for each object and audible alarms for AOS and LOS times.