Edson Pereira


O conteúdo aqui apresentado está escrito no idioma inglês pelo motivo do mesmo ser o idioma dominante na literatura tecnológica dos tempos atuais. O pouco conhecimento que adquiri ao longo dos anos foi, em grande parte, lendo textos escritos em inglês por autores de diversos países ao redor do planeta — muitos deles cujos idiomas nativos não eram o inglês. Como retribuição a esses autores, apresentarei as informações sobre os meus experimentos e projetos no idioma inglês. Porém, o conteúdo desse site pode ser traduzido para o português, ou outros idiomas, usando a ferramenta de tradução Google Translate.

Hello! On this website, I share some information about my Amateur Radio experiments, projects, and activities. If you are not familiar with Amateur Radio, I recommend this introductory video. Professionally, I work with computer systems engineering. I have a Technician degree in Electronics, a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering Technology, and a Master of Science degree in Computer Systems Engineering.

I am interested in Amateur Radio since the early eighties, in my early teens. The radio phenomena has captivated my interest ever since and it has influenced many things in my life and professional career. I am mainly interested in the science, technology and experimental aspects of radio communications and dedicate some of my free time to studying and experimentation with low power, weak signal, and space communications.

Over the years, I have met many radio amateurs that, like me, have also been exposed to amateur radio in their youth and many acknowledge that amateur radio has influenced their interest in science and technology. Amateur radio is a very effective tool for awakening the curiosity of youngsters to the fields of science and technology. To that extent, I dedicate some of my free time working on amateur radio STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) projects with schools and universities in Brazil.

Before PY2SDR, I have held the callsigns PU2MWD, JF1AFN, 7N4NCL, N1VTN, and PU1JTE.

I can be contacted by email at: (please replace nospam with my amateur radio callsign)

73, Edson PY2SDR

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